5 Objectives to Integrate Into Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

5 Social Media Goals You Can Set For Your Business Growth Online

With over 3.5 billion social media users in 2019, every brand who wants to engage with its target audience needs a strong social media presence. A couple of years ago, social media proved extremely useful when it came to communication with customers and spreading brand awareness. However, today this vast network is used for so much more, including lead generation and social selling. The reason for this rise in popularity is that we are living in a technological era that is dominated by smartphones. Right from ordering food and shopping online, to opening bank accounts and completing business transactions, everything takes place on smartphones. In such a scenario, latest social media platforms TikTok  and Snapchat are also having mobile applications. Hence, consumers have better access to social media, no matter where they are and makes it easier for users to access their favourite sites, even when they are on the go.

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With millions of customers interacting and engaging on these social media networks, they have become data mines for brands. Using this data, businesses can conduct consumer profiling, which will help them to understand customers’ likes and dislikes. The Psychometrics of buying behaviour online what time they are on netflix and what time they are buying and offline where they are holidaying or which event they are attending. This will allow them to create behaviour and interest buckets based on their spend in the last hour to last month. Therefore, personalized and targeted campaigns and improving the chances of conversions. In a nutshell, by using social media data, brands can:

  • Get increased brand awareness, visibility and brand positioning.
  • Increase their presence and community size on social media.
  • Target relevant audiences and educate them with the right solutions to increase sales.
  • Engage with customers to increase brand loyalty.
  • Understand the customer’s requirements and challenges for increased customer satisfaction
  • Encourage social media followers to become loyal customers.
  • Showcase and edvocate brand is democratic and open to customer voice.
  • Listening to customers and constantly innovating based on their demand.

Hence, there are many benefits associated with social media platforms for brands to miss out on this opportunity. However, to make the most of social media, brands must follow five key objectives in their social media strategy. In this article, we will provide those five objectives, along with points you should measure.

1. Develop Brand Awareness and establish positioning.

The activity of spreading awareness is focused on getting better engagement, advocacy leading to sales, increasing market shares and building a loyal customer base in your vertical. Moreover, many companies analyze the value of their brand through brand positioning in the market, which can be increased only by increased Share Of Voice. The idea is to make the right Target Group firstly aware of your brand and give them the ability to differentiate and choose you from your competitors. Brand awareness can be achieved by several activities, including the creation of unique and interactive content, personalized messaging targeted to relevant audiences and deriving strategies based on the demographics of the audiences.

Mentioned below are certain factors you can measure to gauge the effectiveness of the brand awareness strategy:

  • Mentions: measure the number of times people mention your brand name in conversations and how many times those conversations were shared
  • Impressions: measure the potential number of views each of your posts gets
  • Social Sessions: measure the number of times a viewer visited your website or blog post from your social media account
  • Competition: analyze all the social engagement you received, for example, likes, shares, mentioned, etc., versus the number your competitor received

2. Increase Size of Social Communities and  Accurately Target Audiences

To make the most of social media, you need to ensure you have a sufficient number of people following you, especially those who are more likely to convert into paying customers. Regardless of how amazing your campaigns, if you don’t have enough users, all the efforts will go in vain. Similarly, if you have a vast audience, but none of them purchases anything from you, your large following adds no value to the revenue of your business. Hence, it’s imperative for brands to engage a large social community of relevant audiences.

For this activity, some of the factors you can analyze to ensure success are given below:

  • Fan-Base: analyze the number of fans, followers, and or subscribers you have on each social media channel
  • Advancement Rate: analyze at what speed your growth rate is growing in terms of engagement and fan-base, on social media
  • Competitor Analysis: compare the amount of engagement your brand received with your competitors
  • Website to social conversion: measure how many visitors come from your website or blog to your social media platforms
  • Now you can convert in all platforms at the platform level facebook lead generation, insta stories and snapchat offers leads at the platform.
  • Ads with what app integration to talk to customers at the time without wasting ever one second.

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3. Strengthen Engagement Strategies to Increase Customer Loyalty

For more brands, the primary objective of launching various social media strategies is to build productive and effective relationships between them and relevant audiences. In such cases, it is important to create and execute efficient engagement strategies as most audiences respond to these techniques best. One such example is using social media followers who have a high number of fans or followers, also known as influencers. Majority of these influencers/bloggers have a strong influence among the people in their demographic. Hence, you can ask these influencers to promote your brand or open conversations about your products, etc. Remember, it’s not necessary for these influencers to be globally popular. Sometimes, it’s better to have a strong influence on a smaller, yet active community, as compared to a larger, but passive audience.

To analyze the level of engagement and loyalty you’re receiving from your social media strategies, certain factors to analyze are:

  • Level of interaction: measure the number of interactions you receive, for example, likes, retweets, shares, comments, etc.
  • Growth Rate: track the gradual and organic increase in the number of interactions you receive during a certain period
  • Influencer Rate: considering influencers play a great role in this activity, it’s important to analyze how many influencers are promoting your brand and what is their community size

4. Monitor Customer Feedback, innovation by listening to our Target Group.

The best part of digital marketing as a whole is the ability to track customer reactions to everything, including your products, brand name, and even your campaigns. Social media is no different. Hence, to provide your customers with an enhanced experience, you should analyze previous customer opinions and try to integrate their feedback, wherever relevant.

To ensure you’re tracking and making the most use of customer feedback, you can analyze the following factors:

  • Perception: analyze how customers perceive your brand and your products, especially when it comes to a comparison with your competitors
  • Evolution: It’s okay if consumers have a negative perception of your brand in the beginning. But, to know if your strategy is working, measure the gradual evolution of their perception over a period like Mcdonald’s when customer said it is unhealthy they took this as an opportunity and launched a campaign- #ASKMCDONALD With many people being concerned about the quality of their food, McDonald’s wanted to make sure that customers were well informed.
  • In order to address this, they offered to answer questions from the public openly on their platforms and YouTube answering all their questions openly about their food- which became a great success.

5. Convert Social Followers into Qualified Leads and New Business advocates.

Regardless of how your campaign performs and how many new followers, likes, and shares you get, you need to measure the ROI at the end of the campaign. This entails how many people converted into customers or have shown interest in becoming customers. To ensure you’re able to track this pointer effectively, measure the following:

  • No. of people clicked on your ad and filled the lead: First you need to track how many people did you engage with through your campaign and how many filled leads.
  • No of sales/Conversion: Out of the total people who engaged with your campaign, analyzing how many called you and filled the lead form or buying on e-commerce websites to download your app is the actual conversion.
  • Revenue generated through campaign: The essence of any social campaign is the revenue generated. The ad spend has to generate anything above atleast 500% depending on the vertical of your business to 1000% of the actual ad spend and above revenue. Otherwise you should be aware that the best hands/Digital agency behind is not writing your success story instead your competitor is eating your market share every day.

In a nutshell, social media handled by one inhouse person versus a business account handled by a digital marketing agency may look alike, but are worlds apart. Gaining a lot of traction and being able to stand out from the competition is not easy today. In such cases, it’s best to seek professional social media services. At Digital Media Sapiens, we have an entire team of experts who are Facebook Blueprint certified who will not only execute the best strategies but also track the data mining through tools and machine learning efficiently to constantly strategize and optimize the campaigns for best ROI.  We use various paid tools to get best results for our clients. Data is the new KING to get to the customer at the right time and right micro moment of buying.

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