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Since 13+ years, DMS as a leading precision measurement tools manufacturer is helping clients solve complex dimensional measurement challenges with a range of robust dimensions measuring instruments.
Over 5000 happy customers are the testimony of our continuous research & technology upgrade that make our products ‘most reliable’ and ‘most dependable’ in the segment. We are committed to present a product range that makes your life easy and protects your reputation.
Unlocking the Future:
Join us for a game-changing rendezvous
where innovative possibilities converge!
SAN ANTONIO, U.S.A. (Headquarters)
San Antonio Technology Center,
3463 Magic Drive Suite, T1,
San Antonio, TX, 78229, USA
DUBAI, U.A.E. (Mobile Commz DMCC)
Office 104, 1st Floor,
Jumeirah Bay – X2, Cluster X,
Jumeirah Lake Tower, Dubai.